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Neel And His Magic Soap Bottle
When Corona Virus Disease of 2019 struck the world , we had never anticipated it . The lockdowns were followed my waves of roumours , mis-information and myths giving rise to social panic .
Neel And His Magic Soap Bottle, my submission and winner at D'source Corona Design Challenge, held in July 2020 , is a hand illustrated informative storybook aiming at educating young minds about the then new, Corona virus and busting the then prevalent myths .

Interestingly illustrated storybooks with fascinating and engaging stories are one of best ways to educate the children about something . Magic is something which always fascinates children .
Thus through this book I have explained about the corona virus to these young minds through a magical storyline .The following are the steps of the design process which was followed to come up with the book.
The Process Followed




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