Discover Van Vihar To It's Fullest!
A 3 weeks group project , group members :
Swanand Wagh
Samruddhi Pahune
Parth Kothari

What is the project all about ?
The main aim is to study and understand the numerous issues that users at Van Vihar National Park confront, and to suggest a phygital intervention to address the issues and improving the space's user experience.
What Is Van Vihar ?
Van Vihar is National park , zoological center , rescue center and conservation a animal breeding center in the heart of Bhopal city on the banks of the upper lake .
Van Vihar and its lush green premise has served as a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city for decades but to attract more visitors and enhance the user experience , Van Vihar needs an upgrade.
See the lake and the lush green roads? Thats Van Vihar !
Lets have a look at its basic layout!
One central path runs through Van Vihar which connects all the major attractions . One side of this path is completely occupied by the lake.
Come, tag along...I will take you on a journey through Van Vihar!
An overview of the major attractions and 'things to do' Van Vihar has to offer.
Ticket Counter
Animal Enclosures
Lets book the tickets first! Make sure to book a cycle. That's the best way to get around.
Want to see the tiger? or do you want to see the bear? Or do hyenas excite you? You will all find it here!
Bird Interpretation center and observation deck
Lets know a little about birds. Through the interactive life size models you can learn a lot about various bird species of Van Vihar. Don't forget to climb the stairs and visit the stunning observation deck!
Vihar Vithika - Museum
A long cycle ride!
A patch of 3 kms for a nice cycle ride
Lets learn a little more about Van Vihar and its animals in the museum.
Various Services Provided
Transport Services
Animal Adoption Schemes
Guided day and night safaris
Animal Information Service
Centers for Specific information and awareness
Who are the major stakeholders Of Van Vihar?

Wait, but what is going wrong with the space currently ?
We Wanted To know the place better and find out the negtive emergences in the experience of the space. This is how we went about it.

Self Saffari
Visitor Journey Mapping

Qualitative Interviews

Self Saffari
As we ourselves became the users and did a self safari, we observed multiple problems at each point of the experience.
3 major types of user groups, families, friends and couples were the 3 main user groups and were shadowed and their journeys were mapped.

Visitor Journey Mapping.

As there isn't any map which tells users what's coming next, visitors spend a lot of time at initial attractions and completely miss the later ones.
The company and purpose users come with defines the areas of the park users stop and spend time at.
Spots like butterfly garden and bird park which are off the main road are very rarely explored and a miss by most users
When shown videos and asked about bird center and butterfly garden, users said they would have definitely love to explore but did not know about it.

What do the users and the other stakeholders have to say?

What Is The Problem?


The Brief
A Phygital Solution to speed up the booking process, improve discoverability of various attractions and build connection between the visitors and the animals in Van Vihar National Park, Bhopal.

Key Aims of The Proposed Service
User Personas For Proposed Service
Introducing, Vander, a whole new way to discover the magic of Van Vihar!

Choose your preferred language and register your mobile number to log in.
Step 1 : Login

Choose mode of transport , number of visitors and book your tickets.
Step 2 :
Online Booking

Discover Van Vihar through the map. Zoom in to see more details and utilities . Use purpose filters to find out where exactly to go .
Step 3 : Discovery

On zooming in the map , the animal icons become button pressing which reveals the story of the animal. Loved the story ? You can adopt him here too .
Animal Stories and Feedback
Service Blueprint
Further understanding the service and the areas of intervention by mapping the customer actions, front and back end interactions and support processes.
Ideation Parameters
Improving Discoverablity
How can we improve discoverability of various unnoticed attractions?
Personalized Journey
How can we make a customized route for every visitor?
Connection with the wildlife
How can be make visitors connect better with the wildlife?
Enhance spatial experience
Can we have multiple interventions to enhance the overall visitor expereience?
Key Chosen Elements for the Service
Multiple ideations were combined to form the key elements of the service.
Giant QR Code
A web appliaction
Physical interventions
Wireframing For The Web Application


The prototype of the web application was made in Adobe XD.
Lets Check Out the Prototype!
Physical Intervention
Painting the roads in front of the attractions was one of the proposed physical intervention to grab attention and make a user realise that there is an attraction around.
Once we were done with our intervention, We concept tested it.
We found that just like attractions in Van Vihar, there were multiple such places in our college campus which were undiscovered and very few people knew.
Can the concepts of putting a giant QR codes, markers on the ground and a digital map can function to enhance the discocerablity of a space? Lets find out...

A Brief Questionnaire Followed
A total of 18 respondents were a part of this quick concept testing.
Having a giant QR code was found to be very attractive and was very successful in attracting attention.
The digital map greatly improved discoverability. Multiple users discovered places in the campus they had never been to through the exercise
A physical digital approach proved to be highly helpful and helped multiple users discover the desired place.
What Next ?
The Future scope of the work and what can be done in the future.