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The KATHA PROJECT collects stories from children and transforms them into illustrated storybooks. ' A Little More Green ' is based on a story by 14 year old Malvika Manoj that reinforces the importance of conserving the environment .

Collecting stories written by children
Rewriting and refining them
Illustrating the story
Publishing them as an illustrated book

Mentions And Recognition

Tweet By MP, Dr Shashi Tharoor
Article covering the book in edex daily.
Online article by edex .

Reader Reviews
" The story was really interesting to read and it was really simple to understand . The drawings were also lovely . I understand that we should preserve our environment and spread good information to young ones and also to other people . I will plant a tree with your instructions "
- Shreya . S . Kumar , 10 year old Reader



' A Little more green ' is a childrens book Illustartion project for THE KATHA PROJECT done as a volunteer and a creative lead at at 360 degrees NGO from October 2020 to January 2021. My role in the project was as the illustrator.

Malvika manoj , the 14 year old author of the story with the illustrated book .
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